Did you know, Focus On Health and our CranioSacral Therapy can help your entire Family to Heal!
Focus On Health offers CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County with Best Results. Focus On Health will provide you with a lasting resolution using over 35 yrs experience!
What is CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County?
CranioSacral Therapy is a hands-on physical therapy treatment. We apply it to the skull, sutures, spine, Dura Mater and connective tissue called fascia. Few structures have as much influence over the body’s ability to function well, as the brain and spinal cord. They make up the central nervous system. Restrictions arise from injuries, surgeries, or traumas to the body. Conventional diagnostic imaging cannot identify these lesions or restrictions. Even so, the pain and dysfunction is obvious to the patient.
These patients often wander through the healthcare system without solutions. Fortunately, Focus On Health is a leader in CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County that can help. We are able to palpate the CranioSacral System to identify the next step in treatment for you to feel better.
CranioSacral Therapy is gentle and subtle in its delivery. The physical therapist uses their hands to test the CranioSacral System. They also measure the cranial motion. The therapist uses gentle hand palpation to determine the quality and amplitude. The therapist proceeds to use the same gentle touch to release the restrictions. They never apply a lot of pressure or manipulate the body with CranioSacral Therapy.
By balancing this system, the function of the central nervous system improves. As a result, the patient feels better. CranioSacral Therapy enhances your own body’s natural healing process. We use CranioSacral Therapy for a wide range of health conditions with Great Results. CranioSacral Therapy helps to create an environment to regain your health.
Development of CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County
William Sutherland, an Osteopath, identified when the brain grows the skull remains flexible.
Doctors assumed sutures between cranial bones fused and were immobile in the 1900’s. He determined the cranial bones move in a rhythmic motion through the sutures. So in other words, fusion of the cranial bones does not occur, from conclusions by Dr. Sutherland.
John E. Upledger, an Osteopath, pioneered and continued the development of CranioSacral Therapy. He created CranioSacral Therapy after completing his scientific studies at Michigan State University. He served as a clinical researcher and Professor of Biomechanics at Michigan State. Dr. Upledger began teaching these therapeutic skills to healthcare professionals in the 1980’s. He expanded on his research over the course of his career. He left a legacy of a Clinical Institute along with a Teaching and Research Organization.
The staff at Focus On Health continue to refine their CranioSacral Therapy skills. For decades, the clinicians at Focus On Health have used CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County. They have become experts through application and study. Focus On Health has delivered CranioSacral Therapy to patients for 3 Decades. They continue to get Great Results.
The Next Steps
Kim Lawler-Coyle, PT, DPT has developed Focus On Health. Focus On Health offers CranioSacral Therapy in Orange County with Best Results. We recommend CranioSacral Therapy to all our patients in Orange County. It is a crucial part of relieving pain at Focus On Health in Newport Beach.
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